If you are plagued with a virus program AutoCAD, which says "24 provinces and municipalities of Cambodia have been protected with anti-virus software." And all areas in Cambodia names will appear each time you start AutoCAD application. It's kind of hurtful because you need to click OK again and again until the message is lost.
click this link to download : AutoCAD Anti-Virus Protection
Before download this Remover :
Note : Before your download this software, your must turn-off your antivirus...
Because this software is detected as a virus..
Example virus detected this software
How to remove this virus?
1. Klik dua kali pada fail AutoCAD_Anti-Virus_Protection.exe yang telah anda download.
2. Buka aplikasi AutoCAD di PC / Laptop anda dan klik OK/ESC pada mesej "24 provinces and municipalities of Cambodia have been protected with anti-virus software" yang ditunjukkan oleh virus combodia, sampai mesej itu hilang.
3. Setelah paparan virus itu hilang, taip perintah / command "ap" (taip command di autocadd)
4. Sebuah kotak dialog akan muncul dan pergi ke "C: \ AutoCAD_Anti-Virus_Protection \ AutoCAD_Anti-Virus.fas" dan klik pada ruangan "Load" kemudian klik "Close".
7. Tunggu sehingga proses pembersihan oleh aplikasi tersebut selesai dan anda akan lihat mesej "Total infected files were found and removed."
8. Buka semula program AutoCAD anda dan autocad anda akan kembali berjalan seperti biasa.
Selamat mencuba... :P....
Provided by Fizun.Shariani
Sumber asal : http://duniateknikku.wordpress.com